Church Life,  Family

3 Ways to Make Every Christmas Unforgettable

With two kids in the house, the excitement in the air can almost be felt. We are just days away from Christmas, and we have done all sorts of things to build the excitement to this day.

But for a lot of people, Christmas comes and Christmas goes and there’s not much worth remembering. Being too focused on the presents under the tree, we put our heart inĀ things and not in the relationships that can be built and cherished on a wonderful day like Christmas.

With that in mind, here are three things you can do this (and every) Christmas to make it one that is not soon forgotten.

Spend Time in Worship. That is easy this year, as Christmas is on Sunday! But, even if it is a year when Christmas is not on Sunday, what better thing could you and your loved ones do than spend a few minutes in devotion to the Lord. It doesn’t even have to be because of that whole “reason for the season” thing. It is simply taking time on a day off to spend focused time in praise to God.

Serve Someone Else. Even on Christmas, there are opportunities to serve others. Some will volunteer at a soup kitchen or other similar place. Others will visit a nursing home. For several years, our family used to sing Christmas carols at an assisted living home. It could be something as simple as taking a plate of leftovers to a neighbor’s house. Whatever it is, it will fill their heart with delight, and help cement the joy of this great day in your own heart.

Slow Down! How many Christmases come and go and we don’t even know where they went due to the flurry of activity and travel? Take some time to just sit with some hot chocolate and visit. Rest awhile. Enjoy each other’s company. Take a few extra minutes around the dinner table to share a story. Slow down!

I know that none of these is profound, but they are ways we can all make Christmas special.

Oh, and if you really pay attention, these are ways we can make every day–holiday or not–special! So, why wait for Christmas?

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AUTHOR: Adam Faughn


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