Church Life,  Family

3 Words We Need to Remove from Bible Study (and 3 We Need to Always Keep)

Ask any Christian, and they will inevitably speak of how important it is to read, study, and talk about the Scriptures. Bible study and Bible discussions are vital to the growth of a Christian.

However, too often, we allow three words to stand in the place of a true study of the Bible, or (more often) a true discussion about the Bible.

They are three words that we need to remove from our Bible discussions, because they do not help one bit. What are those words?

“I feel like.”

How often do we hear (or say) that our feelings are what matter when it comes to matters of morality and doctrine?

Maybe some of these sound a little familiar:

“I heard our preacher say that a lot of people are going to end up in hell, but I just feel like a loving God wouldn’t do that.”

“When someone talks about there only being one church, all I can think is that I feel like other people are doing their best, too.”

“For all these years, we’ve been saying that only men can lead in public worship, but I feel like that was just something from an ancient and out-dated culture.”

While few of us would take it to that level, far too often, we hear similar thoughts in many of our Biblical discussions. Far too often, when we talk to others about moral matters–and even far too often in Bible classes–someone saying “I feel like” is the trump card. It is as if one’s feelings are the end-all-be-all of the discussion.

Certainly, our feelings matter. Christianity is not a cold, heartless religion. How we feel about things does matter.

But there is a major problem when our feelings are the driving force behind what we believe and stand for. Feelings are fleeting. They change. They can be easily manipulated. My feelings have no more authority than yours on a matter.

Thus, we cannot use “I feel like” as the major foundation in our Biblical studies.

So, what can we use? It is another three-word phrase, and it is one that needs to always be statement number one when we are considering any matter of doctrine or morality. What is it?

“The Bible says.”

“His divine power has granted to us all things that pertain to life and godliness…” (2 Peter 1:3).

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AUTHOR: Adam Faughn

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