
Friday Links Roundup: 2011 Planning Edition

It’s a firm belief of mine that far too many congregations just survive week-to-week. They might think of some event that’s coming in a few weeks (like a Gospel Meeting or visit from a missionary), but they rarely think more than a couple of months ahead (at the most).

Obviously, there are variables that change our plans, and we need to not “count on” tomorrow coming (the book of James reminds us clearly of that), but congregations also need to think much longer into the future. We have been doing a lot of planning at Lebanon Road for 2011 for several weeks. I have planned the Sunday morning sermon titles, our deacons have suggested programs and ideas, and our congregational goals for the year are nearing completion.

I know of other congregations that have 3-, 5-, and even 50-year plans. These are fantastic, because they give a solid overview of the congregation as it stands now, but it also casts a vision for the entire congregation of where things could be. If stated in a clear and solid way, it also grounds the congregation in some very important areas.

Plan ahead! Think long-term! Don’t just think about next week. Let your vision look deep into the future and pray for wisdom from above to help you seize on opportunities that will help you meet those great ideas and plans.


On to the links for this week:

1. Tuesday was Election Day, and I saw dozens of posts leading up to the election, but very few coming out of it. Chris Gallagher shares some important thoughts for Christians in his post, “Ok, You Voted…Now What?

2. Another recent event was the World Series. Josh Hamilton was focused on by many people of faith, and if you know his life story, you understand why. Tim Pyles gives us some facts on this gifted outfielder, and then makes a great application. Even though he doesn’t speak to highly of my Yankees, I still think “Not Shooting Our Wounded” is a great article!

3. What is God like? That could be a very long book, but Paula Harrington gives one great answer in her post “Anything Like Me?” (Preachers, if you need ideas for short, Wednesday-night-style devotionals, this article would make a good one!)

4. I love this simple article from Matthew Morine. Every member of the Lord’s Church needs to read “The Best Church Question Ever.”

5. Richard Mansel submitted a guest article this week to WeUsed2BU, a site for girls. The article deals with a difficult topic to discuss, but is powerful. Parents and youth workers need to pass this article along. Take the time to read “What Sex Can do to a Dating Relationship.”


We hope you have a wonderful weekend. Our youth group is headed to their Fall Retreat this weekend, so we will miss them Sunday morning. The good news is that we will have more seats available for you to join us as we worship at 9AM at Lebanon Road! We’d love to see you there!!!

No matter where you are, make sure you remember the Lord on His Day.


A Legacy of Faith exists to help families survive the day, plan for tomorrow, and always keep an eye on eternity. If you choose to print one of our articles in another publication (e.g., church bulletin), please give credit to the author and provide a link to the article's url. Thank you.