
Friday Links Roundup: It’s Time Edition

Thank you, college football. You have done your job. You have given us some conversation starters, and some decent games to watch. Now, though, your time is done.

That’s right, it’s hoops season!

134 games are played today. ESPN hosts their 24-hour marathon starting Monday night. It’s hoops time, and we will be paying attention so we will know who makes the tournament.

(A tournament. It’s quite a concept, don’t you think, football?)


On to the links for this week:

1. Success. It’s a word we have trouble defining and everyone seems to have a different definition. However, Neil Richey reminds us of the ultimate definition in his post, “What is True Success?”

2. Have you ever been overwhelmed and wondered if you could handle any more in your life? We all have people around us who face that at times. Jonathan Jones writes a great article to help us know what to do. Enjoy “More Than I Can Bear.”

3. We all face life-changing decisions from time-to-time. Elders, parents, and leaders all face very important decisions on a nearly constant basis. Michael Hyatt uses some thoughts from President George W. Bush’s new book to tell us “How Leaders Make Tough Decisions.”


I hope you have a wonderful weekend! Make sure you take time to worship the Lord on His Day!


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