
Friday Links Roundup: Special Series Edition

Next week, we are going to run a special series of posts on our blog. There will be an introductory post on Sunday afternoon, then two posts each day on Monday through Friday. This is a very fun series, and one I hope you enjoy and get some fun from for your holiday week.

Yep…that’s all we’re going to let you know right now! Check back Sunday afternoon for the first post!


On to the links for this week:

1. We are always excited to hear about great reports from mission fields. We have a special interest in the work being done in Cusco, Peru, by some of our friends, so we were thrilled this week by their report. Enjoy some wonderful news here.

2. One of my preaching heroes is Flavil Nichols, who now lives in Huntsville, Alabama. I have gotten to spend a little time with him over the past couple of years, so this post from Cindy Colley caught my eye. It is called “Flavil Nichols and Memory.”

3. What goes on around us often distracts us in our service to God. Steve Higginbotham reminds us of that in a great way in his post “No Matter What!

4. We rarely link to videos, but I found this one to have some interesting ideas in it, and the product being promoted looks really interesting. Not being an artist, I still gained some things from “Makoto Fujimura’s Illuminated Gospel Book Project.”

5. Finally, a news article that we need to read and reflect on. While the Associated Press put this out, the article we are linking to is from MSNBC’s website. It is shocking, but needs to be read, as it tells us that nearly 40% of Americans say that marriage is becoming irrelevant! Here is the article.


We hope you have a wonderful weekend! We are looking forward to our Harvest Banquet at Lebanon Road tonight, and then to a wonderful Lord’s Day. Don’t forget Him on His Day!


A Legacy of Faith exists to help families survive the day, plan for tomorrow, and always keep an eye on eternity. If you choose to print one of our articles in another publication (e.g., church bulletin), please give credit to the author and provide a link to the article's url. Thank you.