
Friday Links Roundup: FHU Lectureship Posting Schedule Edition

As we mentioned on Wednesday, we are planning to attend the annual Freed-Hardeman University Bible lectures next week. This is always a treat, and we have been making plans all week for this event.

Since we will be away most of the week, there is a change to our usual posting schedule. We will be putting things on the blog next week, but they will be from the lectures. We will try to post some pictures, audio clips, and notes throughout the week. However, we will not be making note of these additions on Twitter or Facebook. Our goal is to post 2-4 updates each day, Monday through Wednesday, and we’ll probably have a couple of updates on Thursday, as well.

Right now, our plan is to post a “Greater Things Thursday,” but it may come out on Friday. We hope you enjoy these updates throughout the week, and, if you’re in Henderson for the lectures, we hope to see you there!


On to the links for this week:

1. Our first link this week is from…well… me! I was honored to write a guest post for the Start 2 Finish blog, hosted by Michael Whitworth. This is material that has not been on our blog before, so I thought you might want to see it. It’s called “The Priesthood of Believers.”

2. The Barna Group posted some interesting information from a recent study this week. It involves who teenagers really think of as their role models. Parents and those who work with young people will find this fascinating. Here is the report.

3. How do you look at things? What do you bring to a discussion? It’s all part of your perspective, and Jeff Jenkins reminds us of some valuable lessons on that subject in this post.

4. Sometimes we are so busy and so distracted that we end up fighting, when we should just be still. On the World Bible School blog this week, Ryan Parsons wrote some helpful thoughts along this line in his post “Just Float.”

5. So, what do you do when you think that abortion (for any reason) is fine, but then realize that some of those “reasons” are hurting your cause? That’s the question that Ms. magazine is facing. Albert Mohler shares his insightful thoughts on this issue in this wonderfully written post.


We hope you have a wonderful weekend. Don’t forget that Super Bowl Sunday is fun, but worship of the Almighty is eternally important! Don’t forget Him on His Day!!!


A Legacy of Faith exists to help families survive the day, plan for tomorrow, and always keep an eye on eternity. If you choose to print one of our articles in another publication (e.g., church bulletin), please give credit to the author and provide a link to the article's url. Thank you.

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