
Friday Links Roundup: A Cool Video, A Big Announcement, and Neat Links Edition

First this week, a video. In the Greater Things Thursday last week, I told you about what we do at Lebanon Road for our Senior reception. One part of that is a video put together by one of our members, Mike Markwood. He always does a great job, and the videos are first-rate. I though you might enjoy seeing what he does. Here is the video that we showed for this year’s class:

LRCOC GRADUATES 2011 from Mike Markwood on Vimeo.

Now for a big announcement. This is the final Friday Links Roundup for awhile. As part of my ongoing attempt at organization, I am planning on spending more time reading more posts in my Google reader. Often, in an attempt to get things ready for the Roundup, I would do far too much skimming and scanning.

So, here is the two-part plan.

PART 1: I like doing the roundup, but I want to have more time to read and keep up with my feeds. So, the Roundup is now going to be a once-per-month feature instead of once-per-week. The goal is to give you my favorite ten posts each month. So, the next edition of the roundup will be on June 24, with 10 posts for you to enjoy.

PART 2. We still want to post on Fridays as often as possible, so we are going to “open up” the blog to guest writers. If you have an original post you would like to post with us, here are the guidelines:

A. The post must be original (not just something you have posted on your own blog or site).

B. We have the right to refuse.

C. You do  not have to be a blogger. If you just want to get something out there, feel free to let us review it.

D. Posts must deal with (1) the Bible, (2) Christian living, (3) family, or (4) finances, all from a Biblical perspective.

E. Posts cannot be “pitching” something you sell. You, of course, can link to your own site, blog, or Twitter page, and we’ll be glad to link to you.

F. For a post to be considered for Friday, we must have it by Wednesday night. Please send all articles via email: adfaughn AT gmail DOT com.

G. Posts must be at least 200 words in length, but absolutely no more than 800 words.

We hope you take advantage of this, and we hope it helps with the spread of the truth of God’s Word and the joy of living for Him!


With all that in mind, here are the links for the last weekly edition of the FLR:

1. Of course, the world did not end last Saturday. I’ve seen tons of articles and posts about this over the past few days, but Steve Higginbotham’s was among the best. Here is his post, “Family Radio: A ‘Non-Prophet’ Organization.”

2. Technology is a wonderful thing…most of the time. The Barna group recently released some information about how technology is influencing families. The findings may surprise you. Here is the report.

3. Daniel Howell wrote a great post about doing the right things, but for the wrong reasons. Enjoy his post here.

4. Worship is to be a joy. Jessica Markwood reminds us of that in a short, but powerful post called “You Look High.”

5. Michael Hyatt has been posting a lot recently about going paperless, and using Evernote. I love Evernote, so I though you might like this general post showing you 10 ways you can put things into the program for storage.

6. Since this is the last round-up for awhile, I thought I’d share a couple of fun posts. First, how about a restaurant where you get to choose how much you are going to pay! Honestly, I like this idea, and I really think it is a business model that could work for more eating establishments with high-quality food. Here’s the story.

7. Finally, one of the coolest videos I’ve seen in awhile. Every man tries to make the moment he proposes marriage special. This guy, though, went over the top. Just watch, and say “wow” with me to this proposal.


We hope you have a great weekend. If you are traveling for the holiday, we pray you are safe. If you want to be a guest writer, start getting those posts to us, and we’ll be glad to work with you!

Above all this weekend, don’t forget the Lord, especially on His Day.

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