Church Life,  Family,  Parenting

A Trophy

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Have you heard the new definition of the word “trophy?” I had not until I attended a meeting for an advisory council on which I serve for one of our local high schools. During the meeting, the discussion turned to a program designed to discourage sexual activity among the students.

During that discussion, I learned about something that takes place on a regular basis among high school students today. A girl is asked by a friend if she is planning to give her boyfriend (or any other boy, for that matter) a trophy

I’m old enough (and out of touch enough) to remember when a trophy was something a high school student received for excellence in the classroom, in sports, on the speech team, the band, etc. Usually, those trophies were displayed proudly for a while and then packed away in some obscure place.

It shocked me to learn that, to today’s high school students, there is another meaning for the word “trophy.” When used in the sense mentioned above, the trophy being referred to is a baby!

I received a real wake-up call at that meeting. I knew that a lot of things had changed since my high school days. I found out that day how much some things have changed.

I also was reminded that it is way past time for God’s people to wake up to what is going on in our society and to do all that we can to positively influence it. Our Lord called his followers the “…salt of the earth…” (Matt. 5:13). 

Usually, when we think of that verse, we are reminded of our need to be distinctive. While that is, indeed, true, I believe it is time to raise another question. What good does it do if God’s people are, in fact, distinctive but never “get out of the salt shaker?” What happens if we sit in the comfort of our homes and church buildings and never try to make an impact on society?

I think I learned at least part of the answer to that during the advisory council meeting. The Bible teaches that a precious child should be brought into this world by two people who have already determined to “… bring [their children] up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord (Eph. 6:4, ESV). Instead, we have now reached the place in our society where immortal souls begin their earthly journey as a trophy!

It has been a few months now since I attended that meeting, but the passing of time has not kept me from regularly asking myself an old question I’m sure you’ve heard before:

“What on earth am I doing for heaven’s sake?”


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