
Book Review: “For Men Only”

The subtitle of this book includes the word “Straightforward,” and the volume lives up to that word! Shaunti and Jeff Feldhahn write a guide for men to how women really think, and why it can be so difficult at times to get along. This book is the follow up to For Women Only, where the same tactic was taken for wives to try to understand husbands.

One of the interesting facets of this book is that the couple interviewed hundreds of wives about various subjects, from communication to sex to trust, and the results are printed throughout the book as a visual reminder. The results to certain questions may not totally surprise the reader, but the “landslide”  numbers on some may interest him.

The most helpful chapter to me was chapter 2, “The Deal is Never Closed.” In this chapter, results showed that women need to be told and shown over and over again that a husband is truly still willing to say “I do.” There is a certain fear, no matter how faithful a husband might be, that a marriage is strained or even distressed. A husband is wise to not only say “I love you,” but to find ways that are appropriate to show his devotion, especially during particularly stressful or emotional times.

Overall, this is a very helpful book and a very quick read. It is good for any husband, but I think it would be especially useful in premarital counseling.

NOTE: I received a free copy of For Men Only from Waterbook/Multonah’s “Blogging for Books” program in exchange for a fair review. I did not have to provide a positive review.


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