Church Life

Concepts or Commands

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“He stimulated their thinking and caused them to re-examine their previously held positions.”

To hear and read the thoughts of some people today, you would think that this must be the wording of Matthew 7:29. At least, that’s what some people of our day believe good teaching and preaching to be. A preacher or teacher who lovingly and kindly, but without reservation, speaks of God’s commandments is almost an embarrassment to those who wear the name “Christian.”

Words have crept into our vocabulary that chip away at the authority of the Bible. We hear a lot today about “concepts” instead of commands. The Bible is said to “indicate” or “suggest” certain things to us. It is becoming increasingly rare to hear of something either condoned or condemned because of what the Bible says.

If I were to have a terminal disease, I would not look for a doctor who would only discuss various concepts related to health. I would hope to find one who would do more than merely indicate a certain change in lifestyle and suggest various medications. I would hope to find a doctor who would guarantee that I would have good health if I followed his instructions.

I realize that I might not be able to find a doctor like that. Medicine is not that exact of a science. There can be exceptions to almost any situation. For that reason, a physician may be hesitant to speak with total authority in any given situation.

However the Great Physician can, and does, speak with such authority. Those who would communicate His message to others are not instructed to merely suggest, imply, indicate, or stimulate thinking. “These things command and teach” was the charge that Paul, by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, gave to Timothy in 1 Timothy 4:1.

People desperately need something solid upon which to build their lives. They need an accurate “road map” to heaven. They can have those things and many more if those of us who preach and teach will provide that for them. We need to return to the days when “thus saith the Lord” was characteristic of those who presumed to proclaim God’s message.

After all, the actual wording of Matthew 7:29 is,

“For He taught them as one having authority, and not as the scribes.”


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