Church Life

Every Day with God

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We were sitting in a class for elementary students at Maywood Christian Camp. The first Saturday in May of each year, the area youth ministers provide a wonderful day called “Madness in May” for K-6 students. Bible classes, food, and fun fill the day, and the children really grow throughout the day.

As we sat with our group from 9th Avenue in a class about Abraham’s faith, the teacher asked a question about going to heaven. The students started talking about what one needed to do to go to heaven, and how it takes faith. The teacher then said something like this: “Won’t it be great to be with God some day?”

It was then that a young child said words that touched my heart, and caused me to do some self-examination. This precious boy said, “I want to be with God every day!”

My heart swelled with joy at those innocent words.

Of course, we want to be with God in a very special way in heaven when this life is over. And, of course, there is a sense in which God is always with us (and for that I am so grateful!).

But there should also be an ever-growing desire in my heart to want to spend time with the Lord each and every day.

In all the hurry and hustle of our modern lives, our to-do lists fill up with things that are important, but that often crowd out the most important thing: drawing nearer to our Lord. It has been called “the tyranny of the urgent.” It has to get done today–or even right this moment–so we do it, all the while knowing that the urgent is drowning out the deepest cries of our heart for what is most important.

When is the last time you spent time with just you and the Lord?

Compare that answer with how often you desire to spend time praying to God, reading and meditating on His Word, and just being alone with Him in wonder and awe of His glorious majesty.

Even if it literally takes putting it on your calendar, do it!

Maybe it is prayer time in the morning. Maybe it is reading and praying on your lunch break. Maybe it is an evening stroll around the neighborhood as you think of God’s wonderful power in creation. Maybe it is a personal or family devotional time that becomes a regular tradition.

Whatever it is, as people who love the Lord, should we not desire to spend time with Him every day? Then let’s do just that.

I just want to be where You are,

Dwelling daily in Your presence;

I don’t want to worship from afar,

Draw me near to where You are.

–Don Moen

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AUTHOR: Adam Faughn


A Legacy of Faith exists to help families survive the day, plan for tomorrow, and always keep an eye on eternity. If you choose to print one of our articles in another publication (e.g., church bulletin), please give credit to the author and provide a link to the article's url. Thank you.