
Exciting News: The Faughn FAMILY Blog

Today, we have exciting news for you. Today, we are starting “The Faughn Family Blog!”

Wait a minute…what? I thought that was the name of this site anyway.

Well…it is.

But today, we are announcing that we are going to begin emphasizing family in far more of our posts. For some time, we have divided our posts up, with most of the posts being about either “church life” or “family.” However, starting today, we want to turn the emphasis of the blog more toward family.

How do we plan on doing that? Here are 6 ways we hope to help your family through this new emphasis.

1. Two or three posts about family each week. Of course, the basis of our blog will be our blog. That will not change, but the emphasis of our posts is going to turn dramatically toward family life. The posts will come out on Monday, Tuesday, and/or Wednesday. We usually only post on two of these three days, but we might get to all three some weeks. The posts will be about all sorts of family issues, from marriage to single living, from managing money to parenting, from home devotionals to extended family, and more. In fact, you will probably not notice a huge change in our style, but we just want to emphasize family far more than we have in the past. While we may not be “that family,” we are “for the family,” and we like to “focus on the family.” So, our goal is to help your family.

Before moving on, I will say that we will probably write about other subjects at times, especially when we want to react to a “hot button” issue. Our greatest emphasis, however, is going to be on family, and we will do our best to focus most of our posts on that broad subject.


2. A new giveaway for email subscriptions. To help undergird this home and family emphasis, we have changed the eBook we are giving away to those who subscribe via email. Since Godly love holds families together, we are now giving away our eBook Understanding the Love Chapter, which is an in-depth study of 1 Corinthians 13. Every person who signs up to receive our blog via email (which is totally free) will also receive the entire eBook absolutely free. If you’ve never joined our mailing list, we’s love to have you! Sign up here and we’ll send the eBook asap!

Thankful Thursdays

3. Thankful Thursday. A couple of weeks ago, I tried something on Facebook that I had wanted to do for some time. I simply took prayer requests and had a time listed when I was planning to stop and pray for all those on the hearts of those who wanted to comment. Something about doing that lit a fire in me, so we are moving that idea to our blog. Most Thursdays, we will simply post a reminder to share your prayer requests in the comments of that week’s post, and we will also list a time when we will pause to pray for those you have listed (usually late Thursday afternoon). We hope you like this idea, and we pray that it helps bring some “community” to our readership.

Family Friendly Finds

4. Friday’s Family-Friendly Finds. In past years, we used to have a Friday Links Roundup, which was one of the more popular series of posts. We are resurrecting that idea, but the goal is to emphasize more family links. While every link will not be about family issues or resources, that will be the major emphasis of our Friday posts. By the way, if you want to follow other links that we like (in other words, non-family related links), make sure you follow me on Twitter or follow Leah on Pinterest. We send out information and links to all sorts of things that you’ll find interesting.

5. Super-secret stuff still to come. We have some other ideas up our collective sleeves, but we can’t reveal them yet. I will say, though, that we may not only be producing written posts all the time. Again, this part of our update is still a work in progress, but we hope to have lots more to share very soon.

6. Guest posts! For the first time in a long time, we are going to begin allowing true guest posts. These must be about family, and must be encouraging in tone. We will hold the right to accept or reject any post, but we hope this encourages our readership with more writers. If you are interested in writing for us, contact us.

We do not know how long we will keep this emphasis, but we are really excited about it. We hope you are, too, and we hope you find our emphasis on the home and family to be helpful to you and your home. Over the course of the next day or so, our blog will basically look the same, but some of the information on the sides will change to reflect this new emphasis.

So, welcome to The Faughn FAMILY Blog!

QUESTION: What are your thoughts on this new emphasis? Share your comments below!


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A Legacy of Faith exists to help families survive the day, plan for tomorrow, and always keep an eye on eternity. If you choose to print one of our articles in another publication (e.g., church bulletin), please give credit to the author and provide a link to the article's url. Thank you.