Friday's Family Friendly Finds

Friday’s Family Friendly Finds {May 16, 2014 edition}

What a wonderful week! The reason we have not posted is because our little family took a vacation! Our goal is to have some pictures of the trip sometime next week, but it was so great to get away for a few days. We appreciate you understanding that we didn’t post at all while we were gone. It’s always good to have one less thing to do on vacation!

While we were away, we were blessed to have more people sign up to receive our blog through email. We now have 370 email subscribers, and we want to remind those of you who have never signed up to get our blog through email that we send each subscriber a free eBook called Understanding the Love Chapter. We never email sales pitches or “extra” stuff. You just get each post delivered to your inbox for free. If you’ve never signed up, click here and we’ll send you your book asap!

With that said, we’ve got some great family links for you this week, and we should get back to regular posts next week. Enjoy!

Family Friendly Finds

This Week’s Finds

A Simple Family Bible Study Method that Always Produces Fruit [for the family]

Two Ways Dads Can Help Their Children Succeed [Jim Daly; Focus on the Family]

How Abortion Has Changed the Discussion of Miscarriage [Scissortail Silk]

Resisting Materialism [Of the Hearth]

One Thing to Remember before Watching Your Kid’s Sporting Event [Dave Ramsey Blog]

Our Week in Review

With no new posts this week, it was interesting to see what people came to our blog to read. I was pleasantly surprised by our “traffic” for the week, and here are the five most-viewed posts from the last seven days. (Original publication date in parenthesis.)

#5: A Christian Response to “Is It Time to Change Our Views of Adultery and Marriage?” (May 6, 2014)

#4: Video Summer Series Update: Videos are Ready! (May 5, 2014)

#3: A Tribute to Christian Mothers for Mother’s Day (May 8, 2014)

#2: 10 Budget Basics for Families (March 12, 2014)

#1: Thank You, Modest Ladies (April 16, 2013) That’s right: our most-viewed post this week was written over a year ago!

“Like” our Facebook Page

We didn’t think anyone would “like” our page this week, since we didn’t post. But, some did! When we published last week’s Friday Finds, we had 213 likes. As of right now, we have 223. For a week when we were barely online at all, that’s great! If you haven’t liked our page, use the box below or click on this link to jump over to Facebook.

NOTE: Starting next week, we plan on using our Facebook page for more than just “promoting” posts. We hope to have some discussion starters and other things, too, so make sure you like the page to join in the fun!


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