Friday's Family Friendly Finds

Friday’s Family Friendly Finds {August 8, 2014 edition}

What a great week! We are thrilled to have several new readers via email, and our number of Facebook likes just keep going up. Thank you so much!

Of course, the biggest news around here this week was the launch of our podcast. We hope this new outlet gives you yet another way to be encouraged. And, we are now officially listed on iTunes! If you use iTunes, click here to subscribe, and take just a moment to give us a rating and/or review. It would be very much appreciated.

With all that said, let’s move on to this week’s family links.

Family Friendly Finds

This Week’s Finds

Daddy’s Bible, Daddy’s Life {Barber Clippings}

The Problem with the Child-Centered Home {We are THAT Family}

How to Have a Real Conversation {Life and Favor}

The Secret to Having a Marriage that Never Goes Stale {Goins Writer}

Can a Baby’s Death Tell Us Anything about Video Game Addiction? {’s Future Tense blog}

Our Week in Review

The following were our five most-viewed posts in the last week. These were not necessarily published in the last week; they just drew the most views. (Original publication date in parentheses.) 

#5: Hymn Reflection: “How Deep the Father’s Love for Us” (July 5, 2013)

#4: Satisfied with the Leftovers, from a Different Perspective (August 4, 2014)

#3: What 3000 People Taught Me, 2000 Years Ago (August 5, 2014)

#2: Episode #1: “What Is A Legacy of Faith?” {Podcast} (August 7, 2014)

#1: Hosting a Neighborhood Ice Cream Social (August 6, 2014)

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A Legacy of Faith exists to help families survive the day, plan for tomorrow, and always keep an eye on eternity. If you choose to print one of our articles in another publication (e.g., church bulletin), please give credit to the author and provide a link to the article's url. Thank you.

One Comment

  • Donna Darnall

    I so enjoyed your first podcast and look forward to many more. I have attended Central many times and have always heard an excellent message from your dad. I think a great deal of both your parents. I am a member of the Ledbetter congregation, but I am in a hospital bed. I can’t sit very long so I am always looking for ways to hear God’s Word or read something new. I am very excited to see this ministry grow and reach as many souls as possible. May God bless each one of the family, this website, and all of the Lord’s congregations. May the messages be in spirit and truth. In Christian Love, Donna Seamon Darnall