Church Life

Here’s to Faithful Deacons

The congregation where I preach is currently in the process of searching for and then, Lord willing, appointing additional deacons. It is an exciting time, as we consider the men of our congregation who are faithful servants, as well as various areas where our congregation could use their help.

The older I get, the more I see the wisdom in God’s plan for the organization of the church, with each autonomous congregation being overseen and pastored by a group of elders, and with deacons providing special service in various areas.

I do feel, however, that deacons are often overlooked. While elders are the leaders, deacons–when they do what they are directed to do in Scripture–are absolutely vital to the life and vitality of a congregation.

So, today, I want to honor these faithful men.

Here’s to deacons…

…who truly are “deacons.” The word “deacon” just means a servant. These men are selected by the congregation to serve in very special ways, and it takes a good heart and work ethic to do so.

…who are not trying to climb some corporate ladder. Deacons are not junior elders! While many deacons become elders one day, I am grateful for men who simply serve in their area of work without trying to see it as a stepping stone to “the big job” of being an elder one day.

…who are humble. Deacons rarely have their names mentioned from the pulpit, and get very little recognition. But humility is required for one to be a servant, and the example of these men should encourage us all.

…who are balancing life. Deacons, per the qualifications found in Scripture, must be married and have children. Many also work a regular job. Some have aging parents. Yet, in the midst of all they do, they find time to serve the congregation in a special and invaluable way.

…who honor the elders. Not everything will be rosy all the time in elder/deacon communication. There will be times when a budget is slashed, or when the elders simply fail to show the deacon an important piece of information. Still, deacons who honor these leaders are modeling true servanthood in a way that is impossible to overstate.

…who model true Christianity. I am 40 years of age. As of yet, I have never served under an elder who is younger than I am (though one of my elders now isn’t too much older. I know my time is coming!). I say that because I have worshipped with deacons who were younger than me, or very similar in age. And I look to them often for how to simply live the Christian life, serving and being faithful to the Lord, to my spouse, to my children, and to the Lord’s Church.

So, to you men who often serve in areas that are rarely lifted up, but who serve because the Lord’s Church needs you, here’s to you!

“For those who serve well as deacons gain a good standing for themselves and also great confidence in the faith that is in Christ Jesus.” (1 Timothy 3:13)

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AUTHOR: Adam Faughn


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