Church Life

I Hope He Makes It

i hope he makes it

Leaving my house one afternoon this week I pulled on to the main road that leads toward the interstate. About a quarter mile down I noticed a small turtle just getting started across the busy pavement. I made sure not to hit him with my right front tire and I said to myself, “I hope he makes it!” Poor little fella! Life for turtles can be tough, right? Good thing they have a hard shell, right?

I continued down the road about another quarter mile and my heart stopped and I began to worry about the turtle. I stopped in the middle of the road. I turned around in an awkward place not meant for such activity. I went back to get the turtle. As I came close to him two vehicles approached ready to smash him to pieces. I saw that I was not going to arrive in time to get out of my truck before they came to him. So I stopped on the other side of the road and turned on my emergency lights. I waved at the drivers of the van and pick-up to look down at the road. I was not sure they would see or care. But they moved, and they missed the turtle. I got out of my vehicle quickly and moved him to the other side of the road, just on the grass. A cataclysmic demise for the turtle was at least temporarily averted.

Formulate your own opinions about me, no big deal. But there was a reason I could not let the turtle die. Oh, he may have made it, but the attitude “I hope so” was not sufficient when there was something I could personally do about it. How many times have we said about a person, “I hope they make it”? How many times have we said, “I am praying for you,” but have done nothing to help? How many times have we said, “I hope that situation works out,” when we could have been a part of the solution?

So, is someone you know lost spiritually? What are you going to do about it? Is someone you know hungry or naked or in prison or sick or in need? What are YOU going to do about it? Is someone grieving? Is someone lonely? Is someone hurting? Is someone in a situation where you could make a positive impact and help promote change or simply be a friend? I believe there is more than just someone in your life in such a place. No matter how hard their shell, and no matter how true it is that they will probably cross that road again at some point – they are on it now – and you can help them safely to the other side.

God is going to hold us accountable for more than just our activities. He will also call to remembrance our opportunities.

I have peace of mind about the turtle. It is my greater aim to be at peace also with both God and men.

“Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all, especially to those who are of the household of faith.” – Galatians 6:10

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Photo background credit: Dawn Huczek on Creative Commons


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