Church Life

How to Flood Your Community with the Gospel … for Free

Evangelism takes money. Taking the Gospel to “all creation” (Mark 16:15) simply cannot be done without monetary funds. From supporting preachers to providing materials to helping with benevolent needs, money is needed if we are going to win the world for Christ.

However, not every aspect of taking the Gospel to others costs money. Often, when we think of evangelizing the world, we only see the overwhelming numbers (over 7billion people; costs that could be very high) and we shy away.

May I suggest to you, though, that there are several ways you can flood your community, and even much of the world, with the Gospel without spending a dime? This is not meant to be an exhaustive list, but let me help build your excitement and give you some ideas of ways to reach others for free.

Create and Share Spiritual Content Online. Too many Christians share everything on Facebook or Twitter except the soul-saving message of Christ. They are afraid they will offend someone, so they just share recipes, news from the local school, or silly memes. Considering it is free to share articles, pictures, infographics, podcasts, and other materials online, we should be flooding the Internet with the message of Christ!

Use Facebook Live. I have written before about Periscope, but it seems to me that this medium has been surpassed by Facebook Live. Here’s the thing: Facebook Live is also free and about two billion people log into Facebook every week. Broadcast your sermons at church. Create short devotional videos. Make invitations to special events. It’s all free, and Christians need to be using it! (Trust me, you will be amazed at how many people watch your videos, and it will humble you as you seek to use it for the good of the gospel.)

Never Stop Talking about Jesus. Here’s the thing: the main reason our communities are not flooded with the message of Christ is because His own people are not talking about Him enough! The main way to evangelize the world is to talk up Jesus all the time!!! Never stop asking people to come to services. Never stop asking if someone would like to study the Bible with you (which is also free). Never stop asking if you can pray with someone. Just never stop talking about Jesus!

This post may seem overly simplistic, but it comes from my heart. We live in a time where we have so many things we enjoy. I am so grateful for that!

But, too often, we let these other things take priority in what we share with others and what we talk about with others. We are being too easily distracted from our mission in life, which is to be “ambassadors for Christ” (2 Corinthians 5:20).

We will not win the world for Christ if we are not talking Him up. Yes, it will take money to win the world, but it starts with a motivation that the absolute number one thing I am going to talk about and share with this world is the message of Christ, and nothing is going to distract me from that.

Let’s flood our communities with the saving message of Christ. After all, what could possibly be a better message to share?

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AUTHOR: Adam Faughn

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