
Hymn Reflection : “How Deep the Father’s Love for Us”


Stuart Townend has written several modern worship songs including the very well-known “In Christ Alone.” However, the song “How Deep the Father’s Love for Us” holds a special place in his heart.

Townend, a who lives in Brighton, England, states himself that he is concerned about the modern movement that is always seeking an “experience” at worship. He clearly states that he believes emotion is an important part of worship, but that when that becomes our focus, we struggle. In an online interview, he stated concerning “How Deep the Father’s Love for Us,”

The danger now is that we are so focused on the experience our worship can become self-seeking and self-serving. When all of our songs are about how we feel and what we need, we’re missing the point. There is a wonderful, omnipotent God who deserves our highest praise, and how we feel about it is in many ways irrelevant!  I want to encourage the expression of joy, passion and adoration, but I want those things to be the by-product of focusing on God – I don’t want them to become the subject matter. I’m trying to write songs that refer to us as little as possible, and to Him as much as possible!

Knowing that about Townend, we can begin to understand why “How Deep the Father’s Love for Us” is so special to him. You see, many people, upon hearing the song for the first time, think it is old, as it sounds more like a classic hymn than a modern praise song.

That feel was intentional from the very beginning. On his own website, Townend states that he had been considering the cross, “in particular what it cost the Father to give up his beloved Son to a torturous death on a cross.” Then he thought about his own part in that event; thus the line, “It was my sin that nailed Him there.”

But Townend had a feeling from the outset that he was going to write a hymn. He had written many more contemporary sounding songs, but he just felt like his next song needed to be a hymn. So, that’s what he wrote. He states that the melody came right away, but it took some time to tweak and rework the lyrics to fit the simple, yet beautiful, melody.

Townend admits that writing a hymn is against the grain in modern songwriting. In fact, he relates the story that, at a conference, a couple was shocked to learn that the writer of such an old-fashioned song was still alive!

Written in 1995, “How Deep the Father’s Love” is comprised of three simple verses, but they teach the basics of our faith. They discuss not only the death and resurrection of Jesus, but also the love of God and sin of man. In my opinion, the last lines of the hymn are some of the finest words ever penned, as we sing, “But this I know with all my heart: His wounds have paid my ransom.” Those words bring the worshiper’s mind back to the fact of his/her own sin, but also the glorious salvation brought about by Jesus Christ.

In terms of modern hymns, there may not be a song that better expresses the basics of the Christian faith, while at the same time being highly introspective. While no one can predict the future, I firmly believe “How Deep the Father’s Love for Us” will be with us for a long time to come.


How deep the Father’s love for us,
How vast beyond all measure,
That He should give His only Son
To make a wretch His treasure.
How great the pain of searing loss –
The Father turns His face away,
As wounds which mar the Chosen One
Bring many sons to glory.

Behold the man upon a cross,
My sin upon His shoulders;
Ashamed, I hear my mocking voice
Call out among the scoffers.
It was my sin that held Him there
Until it was accomplished;
His dying breath has brought me life –
I know that it is finished.

I will not boast in anything,
No gifts, no power, no wisdom;
But I will boast in Jesus Christ,
His death and resurrection.
Why should I gain from His reward?
I cannot give an answer;
But this I know with all my heart –
His wounds have paid my ransom.

Picture from My Hymnal Collection



Enjoy “How Deep the Father’s Love for Us” as sung at Challenge Youth Conference 2012.

(Trouble viewing? Click here.)


Photo credit: Marcelino Rapayla, Jr. on Creative Commons

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  • Freeman Mahan

    I first heard this song at Maywood last summer. It has been in my mind ever since. Part of it is the lyrics, they seem so compelling to me. But also after reading your remarks, perhaps part of it is the style. I have always loved the good ole traditional hymns. Which hymnal is that pictured above with this song in it?
    Thanks, have a blessed day, and looking forward to seeing you in October.

  • Adam Faughn

    It is a beautiful song, and I also like that it is more of a “hymn.” The song book is Praise Hymnal from Taylor Publications (I have an older version that is blue; they have redone it in more of a maroon cover).

  • Arlie Rauch

    I heard this hymn first while driving to see a man dying of cancer. It was deeply moving. I have discovered through other personal experiences of suffering that the work of Jesus on the cross is more comforting than pats on the back or hugs. Ultimately, the hope of heaven because Jesus has paid the price for my sins comforts more than anything else.

  • Carolyn Prince

    What Song Book does your church use? I have several hymnals but none of them have this song and I love it.

    Thank you!

  • Adam Faughn

    The book we use is “Songs of Faith and Praise.” However, this song is not in there. When we sing it, we simply sing from a PowerPoint screen, because we use Paperless Hymnal.

    There is a paperback hymanl call “Praise Hymns” (I think) that has it in there.

  • Dee

    I felt like I had sung this song all my life but heard it recently at a MFUGE youth camp and fell in love with it. The words are what amazed me. Now to learn that it was written in 1995 just surprises me but I will be singing it as a special this month. It has become my life song!

  • okeke obinna onyekachukwu

    This is a song that I HV seen so deep and moving that it makes you to commit your life more Jesus. it’s one of my best hymnals. I remembered we sang it in a brother’s wedding preparation and the presence of God was so obvious among us. it’s one of my life’s hymn