Church Life,  Family,  Parenting

An Important Tip from An Eight-Year-Old

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Some sermons are heard and some sermons are seen. Human behavior can be extraordinarily moving and thought provoking. There were even times in the life of the Son of God when He marveled at the actions of certain individuals. He marveled at the faith of the centurion (Matt. 8:10). He marveled at the unbelief of His own countrymen (Mark. 6:6). And I believe He marveled when He saw the widow give all her livelihood at the Jerusalem temple (Luke 21:1-4).

It is with this in mind that I recall last Wednesday evening. Returning home from Bible class my young daughter traveled with me as we stopped to get a smoothie. We went inside and as they were preparing what we had ordered she saw the tip jar on the counter. Seeing a host of one dollar bills in the transparent container she asked me if this is how people paid for their drinks. I explained to her that tips are something given as a courtesy to say “thank you” for a service that has been provided. I told her it was just like when we go to the restaurant and leave cash on the table.

Before the words were out of my mouth she was already opening her change purse. My daughter always has at least one purse of some kind that has something in it. And she probably has a book or two, and a doll, and a stuffed animal, and the kitchen sink. She said, “I am going to give them a dollar.” I told her that would be very nice. She was so happy to give it. She knew it was an extra, that it was not required. She knew it was an open expression of thanksgiving. She knew it was an opportunity to bring joy to someone else. She gave it so freely and openly. I know her well enough that if it had been her last dollar, or if I had told her that people usually give a twenty, it would have been the same story.

As we left I had a similar feeling to the feeling I believe our Savior experienced with the widow and her two mites. My daughter had made no comparable sacrifice to the poor widow, but there was a resemblance according to the level of their faith. What makes a widow give her last penny? What makes a child give everything she has only minutes after she receives it?


Faith in God that he will provide. Faith that the giving of something does not determine that we are losing anything. Faith that understands the importance of doing the right thing and not worrying about the end result. Faith that says it is more blessed to give than to receive (Acts 20:35).

While my heart was overflowing with warmth for my daughter, there was also a part of me that felt ashamed. I wish I could find within myself the simplicity that exists within the heart of an eight-year-old. We grow up and we begin to think that we actually own things. But we don’t. And then one day we will leave this place and find that the only thing we ever owned was the opportunity to make a daily choice concerning the stewardship with which we had been entrusted. And it will be in those moments, the moments of our decisions, that we will determine the success of our existence. Our earthly impact, and our eternal destiny, may be defined in essence by something as basic as our attitude toward transparent containers filled with a few one dollar bills.

“…Assuredly, I say to you, unless you are converted and become as little children, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven.” – Matthew 18:3


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Photo background credit: Aaron Stidwell on Creative Commons


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