Church Life

Maintaining Balance

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It’s one of those words we hear a lot in religious circles. Those of us who preach are encouraged to try to make sure that our preaching is balanced. Many times, our preaching is designed to encourage people to live a balanced life. 

I think I learned a technique that will help our balance when I was visiting with an elderly brother years ago. Somehow the subject of my fear of heights came into the discussion. My elderly brother informed me that he had no such fear. In fact, I think he thought it strange that I did.

Here was his logic. He asked me if I could walk on a board that was a foot wide if that board was on the ground. When I assured him that I could, he then wondered why I couldn’t walk on that same board if it was raised high in the air. 

The answer was pretty simple – at least to me. It had less to do with distance than support. I would much rather have the ground directly under me than to have the air as my “support.”

It seems to me that this has a spiritual application. A proper foundation makes maintaining balance a much easier task than would otherwise be the case if there is no foundation at all or a very poor foundation.

We sing the words that reflect this truth: “On Christ the solid rock I stand.” Are we singing the truth when we sing those words?

I need to make sure I am standing exactly where that song says that I am standing. If I do, I may be surprised at how easy it is for me to maintain my balance.

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