Church Life,  Family

My Memory Bank is Wiped Clean

As I write this, Jim and I are staying in a motel while he is preaching at a Gospel Meeting. It has been a very pleasant stay so far with a spacious room and a great breakfast provided every morning (I could get used to this!).

All of the staff members here have been very nice to deal with, but one lady who helps with breakfast has been very pleasant to talk to. She has told us about her children and grandchildren, about the job she has, and why she has it. She’s a very hard worker and gets extremely tired every day.

The other morning, while discussing how tired she is at the end of the day, she made this statement to us: “At night, my memory bank is wiped clean. Each morning begins a new day.”

I thought that statement over for a while and came to the conclusion that it would really be nice if we could wipe our memory bank clean – at least concerning some things.

Wouldn’t it be nice to forget…

-that hateful comment someone made to you?

-those words of discouragement you heard that day?

-those disparaging remarks about someone you love?

-the bitterness and disappointment in the voice of your sister in Christ?

-the grumbling and complaining you heard about your elders or preacher or both?

-that sarcastic tone in your brother/sister’s voice?

-being left out by those who are supposed to care about you?

But if my memory bank was wiped clean every night, I would lose those great moments that I experience every day.

Things like…

-laughter with a friend.

-a smile on my grandchild’s face.

-that hug my husband gave me this morning.

-witnessing a baptism or restoration.

-seeing that older member coming through the door at church on their walker, or in a     wheelchair, to worship God.

-teaching a class and seeing that light bulb of understanding come on in the eyes of your student.

You see, I really think the last part of what that sweet worker said is most important: “Every day is a new day.”

I can choose to hang on to the negativity of yesterday, or I can focus on the good and thank God for a new day.

The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases;

His mercies never come to an end;

they are new every morning;

great is Your faithfulness.

“The LORD is my portion,” says my soul,

“therefore I will hope in Him.”

(Lamentations 3:22-24)

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AUTHOR: Donna Faughn


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