Church Life

Political Correctness Gone to Seed

political correctness gone to seed

Recently, while preparing for a Bible class I’m teaching, I read the words below. While I might not agree with everything in this particular book, this rather lengthy paragraph may serve to illustrate how far some have moved in their concepts of such things as God, obedience, punishment, and a host of other things.

It is my opinion that those who may have moved in the direction suggested by the author have moved in the wrong direction. While Jonathan Edwards might be a little harsh (to say the least) for today’s tastes, his preaching and the preaching of others was a part of what history knows as “The Great Awakening.”

The other type of preaching alluded to in the paragraph below might be labeled as a great delusion. At least that’s my opinion.

I invite you to read the author’s words and see if you agree.

Jim Faughn


The story goes that in the 1960s a man decided to re-preach Jonathan Edwards’s famous sermon, “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God.” However, the preacher modified the sermon to better fit with the era. He entitled the sermon, “Seekers Who Lack Self-Esteem in the Hands of a Full-Esteem God.” In the original, Edwards preached to those who did not trust God: “You have offended him infinitely more than ever a stubborn rebel did his prince; and yet it is nothing but his hand that holds you from falling into the fire every moment.” Edwards described those who do not trust God as being like a spider hanging by a thread over a pit. Such preaching has always offended some and been misunderstood by others. It is said that the 1960s preacher decided that the spider analogy was too strong medicine for modern people and switched it to a butterfly: “Somewhere in the forest a butterfly was beautifying a rose by posing atop its petals. Her wings flapping to an unheard tune the trees seemed to be swaying to. A bee was humming to the melody of nature’s symphony as he dipped inside a wonderfully painted forest flower that seemed delighted to have such a distinguished visitor. Bluebirds were singing, crickets chirping and a possum was laughing in the gentle breeze. Heaven seemed to be saying, ‘You’re the most important creature in the woodlands . . . yes, you . . . and you . . . and you with the compound eyes.’”


Josh Moody. Journey to Joy: The Psalms of Ascent [Kindle version can be downloaded for just 99 cents here]

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Photo background credit: the yes man on Creative Commons



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