Church Life

I Am Now Ready

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Luke records the parable that our Lord taught about a man who was prepared to live, but who was not ready to die. The man had “…much goods laid up for many years” (Luke 12:19). He had forgotten one thing; he might not have many years left. As we read about the man whom God called a fool (v. 20), we should be impressed with the necessity of preparing for our own departure from this life. 

Some seemingly have missed the point of this parable. They apparently focus on the question asked the man was asked: “…[T]hen whose shall those things be, which thou hast provided” (v. 20)? 

These people are careful to take care of all of that. They make adequate preparation for funds for their own burial; they have their will made out so that a proper distribution of their material possessions will be made; an adequate insurance policy, trust fund, etc. will provide for those left behind.

Like the man in the parable, they have forgotten one very important thing. We remember that the statement that led to the question was, “…[T]his night thy soul shall be required of thee… (v. 20).

We are not prepared for death (or really for life for that matter) until we have made adequate preparation concerning our soul.

As far as I am able to determine, we have no way of knowing what, if any arrangements, Paul made for his burial, his possessions, etc. We do know, though, that he wrote these words:  “…I am now ready to be offered, and the time of my departure is at hand” (2 Tim. 4:6). 

Paul’s confidence about his death was based on his relationship with the Lord.  I’m praying that the same can be said about you…and me.


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Photo background credit: Don LaVange on Creative Commons


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