
Review: How to Build a Great Church

Ranking in a tie for #30 on “Where Do I Start?”, Mac Layton’s book is an absolute must-read.

It is rare that I begin a book expecting great things. I try to start a book with an open mind and then decide, as I read the book, whether or not I like it. However, I had heard so much about this book that I was excited about reading it. Thankfully, the book did not disappoint.

How to Build a Great Church lays out basic Biblical principles to encourage leaders and members alike to see the big picture and to work together to help the congregation grow. Layton’s style in the book is very encouraging. As I read it, I kept thinking of the encouragement I gain when I read Balance by Ira North. Brother Layton’s style is to encourage leaders to think big and to work, work, work!

While anyone would gain from this book, elders and preachers mustread it! It is not a “here’s the program that will save your congregation book,” though there are some suggestions of how the North MacArthur congregation put the concepts into practice. Leaders will gain vision and excitement from this book and will want to think bigger than they have before.


To order this book from Hester Publications, click here.


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