
Review of “The Final Summit”

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Andy Andrews is a master story-teller, and The Final Summit proves that, captivating the reader through one simple story for well over 200 pages. I told my wife that I considered this to be a life-changing book, due to its thought-provoking nature.

The main character in the story, David Ponder, is brought to a summit meeting with nearly countless historical figures. Most are well known, but a few are important, though slightly unknown. Their mission is to come up with a statement–just one statement–that will bring mankind out of difficulty.

The story then hinges on the intense discussion and debate among these characters as they try to nail down the final wording. Being a history guy, I was amazed at how well Andrews captured the personality of each of these men and women so well, and used that in the story.

I do not wish to spoil the message that finally comes in the end, but I will say that it is quite simple. However, reading the entire book provides so much food for thought that the reader will find this to be a book that will challenge as well as entertain, a rare combination. I highly recommend this book, and it is one of my favorite reads of all time.


I received a copy of this book from in exchange for an honest review. I was not compensated for this review, except for the free copy of the book.

I review for BookSneeze®


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