
Some Rules for “Daddy Dates”

Last year, Mary Carol bought me the book Daddy Dates, because I had started trying to take her on some dates from time-to-time. If you are a dad to a daughter who is still at home, you need to buy and read this book! Here is the link to Amazon. It is a quick read, but is filled with helpful tips and encouragement.

Mary Carol and I have gone on a few dates, and I am still trying to make these more regular. However, here are some things I got from both the book and from experience that I try to do on these evenings.

1. Call ahead. No, our six-year-old does not have her own phone (and she won’t any time soon). So, I call Leah’s phone and ask for Mary Carol. I ask  her out, just as I would expect a young man to do one day. No…I will not ask her out via text messages, but that’s another post for another day.

My date and I getting ready to head out for an evening.

2. Dress for the evening. We dress appropriately. While we might not dress up every time, I do try to show her that these are special evenings. Again, I expect a young man to do this one day, so I am training her to notice that now.

3. Think of what brings her happiness. Mary Carol loves doughnuts, which is nice for two reasons. First, it’s nice because I like them for an evening snack, too. It’s also nice because they are cheap! In all seriousness, I try to think of things she enjoys doing, from shopping to Chick-fil-A, and we do those things.

4. Disconnect and connect. By this I mean that I try to only answer the cell phone if it is an absolute necessity, and I try to truly listen to what my precious daughter is saying. We talk a lot on our dates. Of course, at this age, the conversations are simple, but I am trying to build into her that dates are a time for connection.

5. Manners, manners, manners. One of these days, a young man is going to take Mary Carol out on a date. If he doesn’t open the front door and car door for her on the way out, they are going no further on that date!!! I do my best to put on my best manners for her now, so that she knows that’s what a date is supposed to do for her.

These evenings are very special, and I need to do better about making them more regular. I hope that, by having “daddy dates,” Mary Carol will grow up to know that she can always trust me and can talk to me about anything. I also hope she knows that I will always have time for her.


What tips would you add?


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