Family,  Parenting

“Sir, We Need Your Permission To…”

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It is a fear of every parent. All of us who have children at home and those of us who have children who have their own families dread a call informing us of a serious injury and/or illness.

A few years ago, a friend of mine received one of those calls. His seventeen-year-old daughter had been involved in an automobile accident. 

Fortunately, the injuries she sustained did not appear to be serious, but the doctors wanted to make sure. The father was told that he had to give his consent before his daughter could be treated.

Of course, he quickly gave his consent. The appropriate testing and treatment was done. His daughter recovered.

Please think with me a moment. Can you think of any procedure for which an “under-age” girl does not need parental consent and/or notification? Can you think of such a procedure that will definitely result in death? 

Are you aware of the fact that some of our states will allow a girl who is under the age of eighteen to abort a child she is carrying without any requirement to notify her parents and/or get their consent? Are you aware of the fact that there is a growing drumbeat of support for making this the policy of our entire nation? 

Interestingly, and alarmingly enough, the website of Planned Parenthood provides information for a variety of “work-arounds” for young ladies who happen to live in a state that requires parental permission/notification. I suppose one should expect that from our nation’s largest abortion provider. 

Is it just me, or is there something terribly wrong with this sort of “logic?” What kind of sense does it make to demand parental permission to treat what appears to be a relatively minor injury while, at the same time, allowing an unborn child’s life to be terminated with no such demands or restrictions?

I pray that you will think about that.


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