Church Life,  Tech

May I Ask My Social Media Friends a Favor?

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How long is your list of social media outlets that you use? I know I can’t list all of the options out there. I’m not even sure what most of them are. 

My experience is limited to Facebook (and very occasionally) Twitter. That’s it for me. 

That’s enough for me. I see enough on Facebook to prompt me to write these words. I would sincerely like to ask my friends who use Facebook and other things like it to do me (and others) a favor:

If you wear the name “Christian” and you choose to do something other than attend a worship service or Bible class, please do not let the world know about that on Facebook or any of the other ways of sharing “news.”

Before you let the world know that something (sitting at home, a ball game, a movie, a night out with friends and/or family, etc.) is more important to you than worshiping God and studying His Word, you might want to ask yourself some questions.  Here are just a few that come to mind:

Does it bother you that the elders are concerned about what your choices say about your devotion?

Do you really want to see yet another preacher “throw in the towel” because of discouragement?

What if a person you had invited to worship or Bible study was there, but you were not?

What do your choices say to your friends and loved ones about your priorities?

What message is being sent to the people who would love to see you in one of those worship services or Bible classes?

Where would you want to be should the Lord decide to return during a time set aside for the saints to assemble where you are a member?

I fully realize that my request and these questions may jeopardize some of my friendships, social and otherwise. I’d rather jeopardize a friendship, though, than to have a friend jeopardize his or her soul.


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Photo background credit: Sean MaEntee on Creative Commons


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