Church Life

Spiritual Identity Theft

Spiritual Identity Theft

One can hardly turn on the television or radio without receiving some information from some company wanting to help us protect ourselves from what has become a growing problem: identity theft. These companies promise us that, for a few dollars a month, they will protect us from individuals whose plans are sinister (to say the least).

As difficult as it is for most of us to imagine, there are people who have dedicated their lives to destroying another person’s finances, relationships, reputation, and peace of mind. Every waking minute is spent in trying to steal the identity of an unsuspecting victim. It seems that all they need is a little information in order to ruin a life. They do not need the cooperation of their victims; they only need some sort of “opening.”

The First Identity Theft

Come to think of it, identity theft is nothing new. Satan started a type of identity theft on Adam and Eve, who, it needs to be remembered, were created “…in the image of God…” (Gen. 1:27). When he won that battle, the identities of that first couple were changed from what they were intended to be. In a sense, Adam and Eve were the first victims of identity theft.

Identity Theft Continues throughout Scripture

As we read through the Bible, we continue to read of Satan’s attacks on individuals, families, and nations. At times, Satan’s attacks were very successful. On one occasion, Jesus could say to some individuals, “You are of your father the devil…” (John 8:44). No longer were these people recognizable as having any relationship with God, even though the Bible teaches that He is the Father of all of us (cf. Eccl. 12:7, Heb. 12:9).  Now, their “identity” was that of children of the devil.

Satan Keeps His Work Going Today

Is that kind of “identity theft” still possible? Can it still be true that people made in God’s image can lose their identity and be no longer recognizable as His child?

It is still true that a being exists who has, as his goal, more than the destruction of our finances, lifestyle, etc. His goal is to totally destroy us (cf. 1 Peter 5:8). It is little wonder that we are instructed to “be sober-minded, be watchful…” (ibid., ESV). 

The battle still rages. God created us in His image and desires fellowship with us. Satan wants only to destroy us. 

Some, unfortunately, make a conscious decision to follow the ways of Satan instead of God. Some allow themselves to be in situations that are not at all good for one’s spiritual well-being. Others just let their guard down and fail to “…lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us… (Heb. 12:1, NKJV).

What to Realize and What to Do

We can be sure of at least three things. 

  1. First, Satan will exploit any opportunity he can find. He is much more determined than those who try to steal our identity by going through our trash, hacking into information on our computers, and so forth.
  2. Second, every sin mars our image. The more we give in to sin, the less we are like the person God intended us to be. Some corollaries to this are that we will also find less fulfillment, contentment, and sense of purpose in life.
  3. Third, the good news is that the damage that we do to ourselves and/or allow to be done to ourselves does not have to be permanent.  Please consider the following passages from the mind God and the pen of the apostle John:

[Jesus] has freed us from out sins by His blood and made us a kingdom, priests to His God and Father… (Rev. 1:5, ESV).

…[I]f we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus His Son cleanses us from all sin (1 John 1:7, ESV).

You are the only one who can decide about the wisdom of spending some money each month in order to protect your earthly assets and identity. You are also the only person who can make the decision about your spiritual identity and your most valuable asset; your soul. 

Have your sins been washed away by the blood of Jesus? Is there a continuous washing as you walk in the light? 

Are you the person God intends for you to be?


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