Church Life

Stop Being Afraid of the Holy Spirit!

Screen Shot 2016-01-25 at 11.21.12 AMAt the turn of the twentieth century came the beginning of the Charismatic movement. For the first time in many years, a well-organized religious entity gathered to proclaim miraculous works were still being done through the hands of men. As the movement gained steam a large portion of the Christian community began to embrace the idea of genuine supernatural healings by the laying on of hands. To date, no modern day miracles have been proven, and many–due to lack of study–have for decades misunderstood God’s purpose in miraculous works.

But perhaps a bigger problem than a misunderstanding of miracles has developed. Many Christians in reaction to false claims have become afraid of the Holy Spirit altogether. They don’t want to study about the Holy Spirit. They don’t want to hear sermons about Him. They are so concerned that the worship is going to turn into a free-for-all that they would rather the Holy Spirit remain neither seen nor heard. To believe such is just as much a sin as denying the very deity of Christ.

1 Thessalonians 5:19 is a five-word verse with a direct and proper response for those who seem to want to avoid the Holy Spirt – “Do not quench the Spirit.” The word “quench” literally means, “To extinguish, to stifle, or to suppress.” Ephesians 4:30 also commands Christians, “And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, by whom you were sealed for the day of redemption.” Again, we are told not to offend Him or make Him sad, since He has become the down payment on our eternal inheritance.

In reality, the fear associated with the Holy Spirit becomes unhealthy because, in our avoidance of Him, our ignorance remains. It may be true that the Spirit is more difficult for us to conceptualize than the Father or the Son. But He can be known and understood and He is just as much a part of the Godhead as the other two divine beings. Imagine completely ignoring one of the members of your family. This would lead to a dysfunctional home where the proper balance of love was not being distributed to all. In the same way, many churches become dysfunctional and unbalanced by their disregard for the Spirit. How can we expect to become what God desires when we refuse to accept one-third of His identity?

We can embrace the Spirit without changing the worship. We can love the Spirit without believing that we have lost our free will to accept truth. We can enjoy the Spirit without thinking that He is doing more than the Bible claims. Our corporate worship, as well as our individual relationship with God, could use more of His influence and power. Without the Spirit, there would be no revelation (2 Pet. 1:21). Without the Spirit, there would be no comfort (John 14:16). Without the Spirit, there would be no earnest on our future reward (2 Cor. 1:22). Without the Spirit, there would be no intercession in the prayers we offer without words (Rom. 8:26). Without the Spirit, there would be no witness in heaven or on earth (1 John 5:7-8).

The Holy Spirit is an eternal and intrinsic part of the God we serve. Study about Him. Recognize Him. Praise Him. Thank Him. Believe in Him. Love Him! Allow Him to bring you everlasting and surpassing peace. Stop being afraid of the Holy Spirit! Unless the fear you fear is the same you display for the Father and the Son!

“But you, beloved, building yourselves up on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Spirit, keep yourselves in the love of God, looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life.” – Jude 20-21


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