Church Life,  Family

Take Heart

Take Heart

Do you ever have the feeling like you are being hindered in every good thing you’re trying to do? It can be so frustrating to be trying to do your best, and still feel like you are lagging behind in your spiritual life. Since this world is ruled by the devil, he can and will use anything in this world to hinder our walk with God, and he hurls so many obstacles along our path in walking with God. 

It shouldn’t surprise us when we face these obstacles. Every day in this world we will have them. Every day we will try to overcome them, and I hate to bear the bad news, but we cannot overcome them. We can try every gimmick, every Pinterest idea, every great book, and we will not overcome them.

There is Good News!

There is good news, though. In John 16:33, Jesus is talking to His apostles. He is preparing them for His death. After preparing them for what will happen to them in this world He tells them, “I have said these things to you that in me you may have peace. In the world, you will have tribulation. But take heart, I have overcome the world.”

Jesus has overcome the world. If we depend on Him, and His teachings, we can overcome our troubles in the world.

Two Common Obstacles

What are some obstacles in your world? What are those things that hinder your spiritual life? How can you let Jesus help you overcome those things?

Are you hindered by a hectic schedule that leaves no time for Bible study? Remember Jesus’ words to Martha. When Martha was frustrated because Mary was too busy listening to Jesus, He reminded her that Mary had chosen the better part. We, too, can overcome that hectic schedule and choose the better part in our life.

Are you hindered by a fear of disease or death? We cannot forget that Jesus said, “I have overcome the world.” God never wanted sickness and death to be a part of our lives. Remember it was the devil who lied to Eve and said, “You shall not surely die.” But, she did die when she sinned. Eve didn’t just die spiritually; she began to die physically as well.

The Power of Jesus

You see, when Jesus died and rose again, He not only conquered our spiritual death by sin, He conquered our physical death by sin as well. Jesus’ sacrifice ensures that our physical death is not our end. As a Christian, we must keep this in our mind when we contemplate sickness and dying.

It’s true. There will be many things that hinder us on our journey through this world. These are just two, but there are many, many more.

But, if we will lean on Jesus and His words we will overcome, so take heart.


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AUTHOR: Leah Faughn


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