
Thursday Hymn Reflection: “Faithful Love”

[Each Thursday, we reflect on a hymn suggested by our readers. If you would like to add your favorites to our list please leave a comment with up to 3 songs.]

Written in 1993, “Faithful Love” has become quite popular. The tune is quite simple, but it is the words that give the song its strength.

“Faithful Love” is a song that goes against one common theme of many of our songs. Most songs contain fairly long statements that cover a line or two. Ken Young’s “Faithful Love,” though, contains many very brief statements–some as short as two words–that support the idea of the title of the first line of the song. The hymn begins with “Faithful love flowing down from the thorn-covered crown.” In many ways, the rest of the song simply gives support to those words about Christ.

The chorus of the song also contains very powerful words, because the song ends by stating, “And I’ll never be the same; for I’ve seen faithful love face-to-face, and Jesus is His name.” When we “see” Jesus, we should never be the same! When we sing these words, let’s make sure we live them. Christ should be our hope, our example, and our life.


While it takes a few seconds to get to the song in this video, enjoy this version of “Faithful Love.”


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