Church Life

“Thy Kingdom Come”

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I am above all people most blessed. I would not trade my life with any other person, no matter the circumstances. Having been raised in a Christian home in America by parents and grandparents who have been faithful to the Lord for years, I truly feel like I have been given the greatest opportunity for spiritual success of anyone I know.

I still have all my grandparents. They are all in their mid-80’s now, but outside of an irregular hindrance they are still able to attend the assembly three times a week. They have been a part of the greatest generation in our history. Their parents and grandparents helped to establish the America that once feared God, made decisions based on Bible truths, and worked an honest job for an honest wage.

My desire with this short article is to share with you some wisdom from my Grandma Dorothy. She has been teaching the same children’s Bible class for the last 35 years, and she still sends out church bulletins every week to people with special personal notes attached. I am one of the recipients of her notes. I am so blessed to have a grandmother who cares so much about me to take that kind of time for me, one of her nine grandkids.

I simply want to quote a part of her latest letter for your consideration. The reference here is in regard to some church problems that had been taking place in a particular congregation. She writes: “Too bad the church has to go that way, but I guess as long as man can do as he pleases and thinks he is smarter than God, this will be happening. I know I will be ok during my lifetime, but I know my great-grandchildren may need to be extra strong for what may be coming. So you teach them good! Maybe, just maybe there can be a turning around. Anyhow, the hereafter will be the same way as it was when Jesus set up His kingdom.”

I love my grandmother. There is so much wisdom in what she has to say. She has been a member of the church all her life, and she has seen the ups and down of the church and the effects of the changing culture. For me, two things that she hit upon are most worthy of remembrance. 1. We are not smarter than God; that is, our way is not better than His, even if we think so. 2. Jesus set up an eternal kingdom that will never change with regard to how it is structured and organized, how one enters it, how it abides and lives, and how it will forever stand.

Time is passing on. I am not a child anymore. These fleeting days continue and as I live in this temporal world I experience the loss of more and more things I once depended on and people I have loved. With each breath another earthly moment slips away and eternity is both nearer and dearer to my heart.

With these thoughts in mind I am so thankful that my Jesus set up an eternal kingdom. That kingdom is the church. That kingdom is my peace and my hope and my future. My Jesus is waiting at the right hand of the Father to take that kingdom home. I am so ready to sit down in that kingdom with all the saints and my dear loved ones.

Jesus once shared a prayer with His disciples because He was anticipating the coming kingdom. Although I know His prayer was realized when the kingdom came at Pentecost, I understand that the kingdom’s greatest moment still awaits.

With that sentiment, each day my heart and soul silently shout the words of my Savior –“Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done! ” Amen.

“Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom which cannot be shaken, let us have grace, by which we may serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear.” – Hebrews 12:28


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Photo background credit: Waiting for the Word on Creative Commons


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