Church Life

The Ultimate “Evergreen Content”

Those who put out content for a living, especially online, speak of “evergreen content.” The idea is that there is so much material being produced that countless blog posts, YouTube videos, or other offerings just get pushed out of view, and it happens so quickly that what might be a great piece of information or motivation is just forgotten.3305791422_27b88aca27_b

So, what bloggers and other people want is “evergreen content;” that is, content that remains in the public eye for a long as possible. There are all sorts of recipes and formulas for creating evergreen content. The number one thing is that the content is relevant for a long time. Does the post have out-dated statistics or illustrations? Is it written about an issue that is “here today, gone tomorrow?” If so, it might get looked at today, but not tomorrow!

Writers, podcasters, and other content providers, then, try to think more big-picture. At the very least, they try to update posts that have a core message, but where some of the numbers or stories might be dated. This is hard work, but we who consume this content are thankful for their effort in making what we read, see, or hear as relevant for as long as possible.

What you may not realize, though, is that you are already experiencing the ultimate “evergreen content” right now. Read that sentence again…slowly.

Notice it doesn’t say that you are “reading” it or “hearing” it. (Not that we don’t try to make evergreen content on our blog!) It says that you are “experiencing” it.

What could possibly be greater than web teams who work on researching posts and keeping things always fresh and new? What could possibly stay relevant day after day and not only touch you in words, but also in how you live?

The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; His mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness. (Lamentations 3:22-23)

You know God’s steadfast love and mercy, and you live and walk in it every day. It never wavers and it never wanes.

Friend, that is the ultimate “evergreen content.”


Photo credit: J and R Photography on Creative Commons

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