Church Life,  Tech

What Could be Better than Facebook?

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Facebook is, by far, the largest social media site in the world. According to some information I have seen, there are over 1.1 billion Facebook accounts. Facebook is about three times larger than its nearest rival, Twitter, which still has several hundred million accounts.

I am not writing this from the vantage point of an “internet Nazi.” I am not among those who believe that the internet in general–and Facebook in particular–are inherently evil. 

Yes, there are dangers, but there are dangers with all other forms of media. There are dangers inherent in driving, but I choose to do that instead of walking everywhere I go (and maybe getting run over by a car!). There are dangers involved in just about anything we do.

Even with all of its dangers, I have found the internet and some computer programs to be a valuable tool for research, Bible study, etc. With a few keystrokes or a mouse click or two, I can now find and/or link to information that it would have taken hours (if not days or weeks) to find in earlier years. It is helpful to connect with all of that information in such a short time.

It is also great to connect with people by means of Facebook. I do get tired of reading and seeing some of the things that people post on Facebook. (I’m sorry, but I really don’t care a great deal about the latest trick your pet can do.) I also get discouraged when I see people who wear the name of Christ approving of and practicing things that sully His name. 

I’ve also seen way too much indecency on Facebook–indecent jokes, indecent language, and indecent attire. I wish I could honestly say that all of this has been posted by non-Christians, but, sadly, that is not the case.

Even with all of that being said, Facebook remains a wonderful way to connect with family, friends, old classmates, and others. Because of Facebook, I have been able to connect with people I’ve almost (if not altogether) lost track of. 

As wonderful as Facebook can be, what could be better than that? What could be better than connecting with people all around the world? What could be better than using the internet to access information from countless sources and countless centuries?

How about this:

Face in the Book

When I put my face in the Book (God’s Word), I am also connecting. I am connecting with Him and with His truths. I’m connecting with people who, throughout the ages, have been loyal to Him. I’m connecting with His Son and my Savior. I’m making the ultimate connection.

So, there you have it. I think that some of the time I spend connecting with people via Facebook would be more profitably spent with my face in the book.

How about you?

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