Church Life,  Family

What Makes a Day Good?

Do you ever have one of those days where you just realize all is going well and things are good in the world? I had one of those today and as I sit here tonight trying to reflect, it makes me wonder: what was so special about today?

What made today so good compared to yesterday or tomorrow? Nothing spectacular really happened. I did manage to get up on time, which is always a nice start for me. It was a normal day at school with a positive start celebrating a recent success of some of my kids. I still had lessons to teach and paperwork to complete. Some of my students were good; others were challenging. I dropped my ranch dressing and made a mess in the floor, but I also had a student find a welded sound without even being asked! My sweet husband brought me a diet soda because I had a faculty meeting straight to a band concert and finally got home after over 12 hours away.

I think, as I sit and reflect on why today was one of the “good ones,” I have realized that my reaction to events and my attitude were a large part of what made the day good. I didn’t take every event – good or bad – and make it all about me. I just let the day happen and was thankful.

In this very busy season, where it is all too easy to let small frustrations ruin a day, don’t miss the gifts God is giving you in each day: the smile of a child, the warmth of a hug, a sincere compliment, air to breathe, people to love. Those things are around us every day, but sometimes we miss them.

As I looked for a Biblical thought to put with what I am trying to express, I was thinking about attitude. And the best example of that (and everything else) is – of course – Jesus, our Savior. In Philippians 2, we read about His attitude of always giving, always emptying Himself on our behalf. That will go a long way in helping you have good days!

Continue reading the book of Philippians and you find another simple, yet powerful, thought that can help you as you seek good days:

“Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.” Philippians 4:8

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AUTHOR: Amber Tatum


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