Church Life

Which Commandments Should We Keep?

Many lessons and sermons have been taught and preached concerning the rich young ruler (Mt. 19:16-22; Mk. 10:17-22; Lk. 18:18-23). No matter how many times we have read these passages, there is always something new we can learn.

After this young man had come to Jesus asking him what he must do to inherit eternal life, Jesus responded about the goodness of God, and that one should keep the commandments (Mt. 19:17). In Matthew’s account, the rich young ruler responds this way – “Which ones?” (Mt. 19:18).

“Which ones?” What an interesting question! It sounds so similar to our culture and what many call “supermarket Christianity.” Can we pick and choose from the Bible? Can we keep only some commandments, binding some and disregarding others, almost like a person picking out the best tomato in the grocery aisle?

People who are afraid of being totally committed to Christ are very much like this young ruler. They might pick certain worship assemblies while blatantly disregard others. They might consider the elements of worship as very important but are not interested in being evangelistic. They might love personal Bible study at home, but feel like fellowship meals and gathering with the saints outside of worship is not for them.

The rich young ruler claimed that he had kept all the commandments from his youth, and yet when Jesus told him to keep the commandments it is obvious that he was hoping he could get by with just a few. This is the “easy way out” method or the “just get by with it” approach. Trying to do as little as possible and hoping that it will be enough to please God is not the attitude of Christ. It is not the attitude of genuine discipleship.

If we are going to belong to God, we need to stop looking for what we think is essential and embrace the whole counsel of God (Acts 20:26). There should be nothing that we aren’t willing to learn and do for the cause of Christ. We should call no time or earthly thing “ours,” but consider it God’s possession to be used to His glory.

The Bible says this man, when challenged to sacrifice the one thing that meant the most to him, “went away sorrowful because he had great possessions.” How tragic! In reality, we all know we own nothing. Everything is His, even our own souls, which he purchased with the blood of His Son.

Let’s not ask, “Which ones?” After we have kept all the commandments, let’s ask, “What else can I do?”

“Oh, that they had such a heart in them that they would fear Me and always keep all My commandments, that it might be well with them and with their children forever!” – Deuteronomy 5:29

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AUTHOR: Jeremiah Tatum


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