
Why I Am Writing “Hymns of the Heart”

Today, the first volume of Hymns of the Heart is being released by Start2Finish books. We are thrilled about this project, and are looking forward to finishing and releasing the remaining 6 volumes throughout the remainder of 2014 (volume 2 is almost done, by the way). When all is said and done, there should be 7 eBooks, containing a total of 35 essays on the Psalms.

hymns of the heart cover

Since the first eBook is being released today, I thought I would share the “working” introduction for the paperback version that will follow when all 7 volumes are completed. I’m sure there will be tons of edits before we reach the final version of this introduction in the paperback (to be released in December or January), but I thought it might show you where these essays come from. Enjoy!


God is high and holy. He is awesome, great, marvelous, and above anything we can imagine. To say that God is “good” is somehow both truth and understatement.

Yet God is also near. He is Father. He is loving, gracious, merciful, and “not far from any one of us” (Acts 17:27).

How can a holy God be near to us, when we are so often broken, unholy, and struggling?

That question filled my soul recently, and through the intervening weeks and months, it has continued to fill my thoughts. God is the King of it all, but desires a relationship with His people. How is that possible?

It was, in trying to seek answers to that question, that I turned to the 150 poems that comprise the book of Psalms. David, Solomon, Moses, and other writers penned fantastic words that are not only beautiful in their literary value, but seek to connect their minds and emotions with the God of heaven.

These poems come from every conceivable emotion: joy, heartache, anger, confusion, praise, loneliness, sadness, defeat, triumph. In the 150 poems that comprise this volume, whatever emotion you are feeling is more that discussed; it is explored.

That exploration, though, doesn’t look for some pop psychology answer. It isn’t seeking an opinion poll to figure out the winds of change.

The writers are always seeking God. Sometimes, they are asking Him why? Sometimes they are joining creation in glorious praise. Sometimes, they are angry at Him. Sometimes, they are overflowing in thanksgiving. Sometimes, they are crying out to Him for help.

But, in every case, they are seeking His heart.

The 35 essays that comprise Hymns of the Heart are not meant to be a commentary. They are not intended to be considered “scholarly.” The reason is simple: though the poems of Psalms are often sophisticated, that was not their intent. The intent of the psalms was to connect a feeling, emotion, thought, circumstance, or fear with the God of the universe.

In other words, the intent of the Psalms was just what you and I desire in this life: to understand how we relate to the Author of life.

As I write these words, I am about 30% of the way through the writing process of the essays. I recently told my wife, “The more I spend time in the Psalms, the more I am loving it.” What I should have said was, “The more I am loving God.” I still don’t fully understand how One who is perfect can desire that I be near Him. I’m not sure I ever will understand that. But, the more these hymns of the heart fill my mind, I grow ever grateful that God allows me to be near Him, and to express my heart.

My prayer is that you find these 35 essays to be a boon to your faith in Him, and that you let the words of these great poems help you express your heart to the Lord.


To learn more about Hymns of the Heart, or to order your eBook copy today, go to Start2Finish book’s site here.


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