Church Life,  Family

Yes, Pro- Choice IS Pro- Abortion

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Recently, a photo made the rounds on social media (especially Facebook) that showed total ignorance of the whole pro-choice movement. The main part of the pictured stated, “Pro-Choice Does Not Mean Pro-Abortion.” The picture’s caption then stated, “It simply means that it’s none of our business what a woman decides.”

Of course, the picture has been shared and “liked” thousands of times. After all, who are we to tell a woman what to do with her body? How can I possibly tell a woman that she should–or should not–terminate the pregnancy when I do not know her experience (either in how she became pregnant or in how this baby might/would alter her life)?

To many, this seems like a good argument. They say that they are not pro-abortion; rather, they are just pro-choice. They are not necessarily for or against abortion, but a woman should be allowed to choose for herself. It’s her body, after all.

I’ll say it bluntly: this is nothing short of cowardice!

By refusing to make a stand for the baby inside the womb, those who are “just” pro-choice are absolutely pro-abortion. The baby cannot defend his/her rights, so someone else must stand up for that child and defend him/her.

Let’s turn this to another argument to see the logic (or lack thereof). Let’s say that a local school decided to have prayer before a school assembly and I thought that was totally wrong. However, I never said anything about it. Would I be shocked that the assembly still opened with a prayer?

I’d be foolish to be shocked–or even upset–for one simple reason: I didn’t stand up clearly for what I believed! (Obviously, I wish that every school function started with prayer. No emails, please!)

We have turned our culture into one where the ultimate sin is offending someone and the ultimate “good” is to just not take a side. By doing so, however, we are taking sides. To not stand up and speak is to take a side. In the case of abortion, not taking sides costs us about 1,000,000 lives every year.

The book of Revelation teaches us that, among others, the “cowardly” are among those who “will be in the lake that burns with fire and sulfur” (Revelation 21:8). The reason is simple: by not standing for something, we allow it go on unabated.

Of course, Christians should not resort to violence or insult to stand up, but stand up we must! You see, the blood of almost 60,000,000 babies (let that number sink in for a second) since Roe vs. Wade is not only on the hands of the pro-abortion crowd. The blood of those babies is also on the hands of those who refused to stand up for those precious children.


We need more people with a backbone. In the abortion debate, there simply is no middle ground. One is either for life, or that person is for murder. It is not possible to say that one is pro-choice, but is not pro-abortion.

By not choosing a side, one has chosen. And the choice is death for about a million children every year.

Cowardice looks a lot like bloodshed.


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AUTHOR: Adam Faughn


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