Legacy of Faith Podcast

Episode 25: Ephesians: Riches and Responsibility {Podcast}

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One of the more controversial passages in the Bible is found at the end of Ephesians 5 and beginning of Ephesians 6. Those verses deal with relationships in the home, and they stand in stark contrast to our modern world’s way of looking at the home.

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This month, we are going to be delving deeper into that passage to learn better what Paul meant when he wrote about these relationships, and we hope to see what a great difference understanding these verses can make.

However, before we understand these verses specifically, we need to grasp the context in which they were written. So, to begin the month, we are replaying a sermon that Adam preached recently at the 9th Avenue church of Christ, overviewing the entire book of Ephesians. We hope this sermon helps you see the big picture of the book. Then, for the following three weeks, we will look more specifically at some of the specific relationships spoken of in this text: wives, husbands, and children.

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Music Credit

Opening theme: “Josie Has the Upper Hand” by Josh Woodward

Closing theme: “Afterglow” by Josh Woodward

(Photo credit: Pixel Pro Photography on Creative Commons)

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