Church Life,  Legacy of Faith Podcast

Episode 36: 7 Simple, Inexpensive Ways to Improve Your Bible School Program [Podcast]

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The Bible school program of the church is so important, but sometimes improvements need to be made. Too often, however, we think these improvements will cost more money than a congregation can afford. In this week’s podcast, Adam and Leah discuss seven very simple ways that any congregation, on virtually any budget, can improve their Bible school program.



The Seven Tips

  1. Clean Up the Classrooms! (Declutter and throw away unused, outdated material)
  2. Update bulletin boards regularly, and paint if you can afford it.
  3. Promote the Bible school program from the pulpit and bulletin often.
  4. Teachers be on time, and start class on time.
  5. Have an efficient check in/check out method, especially in classes with smaller children.
  6. Use your curriculum to its fullest potential. Utilize anything you can to “beef up” the lessons. (Leah recommends Pinterest!)
  7. Have specific goals and objectives for (1) each lesson, and (2) the curriculum itself.


“The 66 Club” [pdf from Waterview Church of Christ]

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Music Credit

Opening theme: “Josie Has the Upper Hand” by Josh Woodward

Closing theme: “Afterglow” by Josh Woodward

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